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18 Northumberland Avenue, London, UK
(+44) 871.075.0336
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18 Northumber Avenue

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

The C4E Collective is a marketing communications agency that works with individuals, startups and large businesses on their marketing, strategy and communication challenges. Our work straddles four distinct practise areas – Brand Design, Digital Marketing Strategy, Content Services and Corporate Events.

What do we do?

❤️ Brand Design and Management.

We offer end-to-end brand management services to individuals, startups and large businesses.

We believe that a brand is the sum-total of all experiences, thoughts, perceptions, interactions and more that a person has with your business. Over the years, we have perfected what it takes to craft these. Come work with us to discover yours!

🔗 Digital Marketing Strategy.

With each passing day, digital mediums are evolving to be the first destination that young people start their day with!

We are a team of digital natives – we start our day with Worldle, RSS readers (even in 2022), Twitter, blogs and all the online communities that we are a part of! Work with us to understand how to leverage the digital medium for your business.

This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

✍️ Content Services.

We are a team of creators at heart!

We <3 content! And we <3 creating it! We work across devices and screens – from mobile phone screens to the silver screen. And we create content for all reasons and occasions – from a simple pop-up to a book to a podcast to a film. Check out our library of work and see the magic!

🎭 Corporate Events.

We've been to some 40 countries over the last few years to manage large-scale, corporate events.

We took birth as a corporate events agency and truth be told, there is no bigger thrill than putting up a clockwork event and basking in the adrenaline when all goes well! Allow us to produce your next event and see the C4E edge!

💰 Investments.

If you have an idea, C4E may have the shoulder that you can stand on!

We at C4E love to work with young people and lend them a shoulder. After all, multiple giants lent us their shoulders when we were starting. This is our time and opportunity to pay it forward! Come join us!

What makes us special? What makes up a team worth partnering with? Most importantly, why do we exist?


Why do we exist?

The most fundamental question that all of us – in the confines of large townhalls or in the comfort of our bathrooms. Why? Do we exist? This is our why. This is why we live. This is what we live for! Come discover us.


The C4E Code of Conduct

Should you choose to engage us, we promise to live by a certain Code of Conduct as we work with your team to help you achieve your business objectives.


The C4E Culture Book

While we are fun-loving people, we do take ourselves seriously. To a point that we wrote about how we work at C4E in a document. Each person at C4E must read and internalise this before we start working together.

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News, Updates and Infrequent Showoff!

Each thing we do at C4E, we take immense pride in working on those. Should you want to know more from us, subscribe to our very infrequent newsletter (less than 6 emails a year). And yes, we hate spam as much as you do!