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Welcome to C4E’s drawing room!

Welcome to C4E’s drawing room!

We did it.
March 30th, 2024. 7 PM. 
Our very first Spotlight Session. 
C4E Spotlight Session Baithak Style musical night
ICYMI, here’s the deal.
The C4E Base is our most tangible dream – a physical space for people to come together and create magic. If I were to be a little less esoteric, I’d say, we want to build a drawing room where:
a/ Artists and patrons 
b/ Come together
c/ To create art and celebrate life
C4E’s Spotlight Sessions, or CSS, are the first step towards realizing this big, bald dream.
CSS is a series of in-person events that will celebrate the performing arts and the world of entertainment. Run in partnership with our communities around women, films, books, and others, these sessions will bring together performers and patrons. 
Through these, we want to support anyone who strives for the Spotlight. Ones who thrive under its hot, burning glory. Musicians, dancers, poets, actors, athletes, anyone, everyone.

For the first one, we went with a musical night.

Our drawing room at Little House, took in some 50 people. Clapping, humming, tapping and singing along with the voices of Pranita, Jaskaran, Somesh and Kabeer. And no, these were not just any songs. But a setlist of thoughtfully curated originals and covers – with its quirks, of course! (Could you imagine our friends doing anything ordinary?)
Somesh, who is a composer,  was getting on stage after 15 long years. His songs, as he put it, were nursery rhymes on steroids. One was a Mumbai anthem for dreamers, another chronicled a friend’s proposal some 10 years ago (she’d said No!).
Jaskaran sang Sajjad Ali’s Ravi and had the room singing along, tapping and swaying to the tunes.
Pranita’s songs wove a tapestry of emotions. She poured her heart out for her mom (who was actually right there!), captured the butterflies of a new romance, and painted a hauntingly beautiful picture of depression’s isolating emptiness. And of course, there was a special love song.
The closing act was Kabeer’s song for Pranita which got some extra beats from a wedding band passing by outside. And all 50 of us belted the chorus to those bands!
C4E Spotlight Session
We then stepped out in the outdoors – for quick chats with the artists, making new friends, just hanging out, all that.
And finally, an after-party at Jamjar, the newest C4E usual. 

And we are just getting started.

Which means we want to do more of these.  With more artists, for bigger audiences, in places across the country and world!
Our motivations are simple: To build something bigger than us. Touch a billion lives. And have a lot of fun doing that.
The first one was March 30th, 2024.
We’re already planning a women-only event for 4th May with Decoding Draupadi. In Mumbai.

Help us do more?

CSS Episode 1 was a baithak-style event. What can we do next?
Do you have friends – musicians, performers, poets, actors, anyone, everyone – who we must invite? Any other interesting venues we could host this at? Which city can we do this in? Would you like to do this with us? How can we do a thousand and more of these events, together?
Write to us at sg@c4e.in.
Ps: While we pose as marketeers and brand consultants in broad daylight, hosting these Spotlight Sessions is one of the million dreams keeping us awake. Big, bald and scary. 
AK’s greatest vision-board-dream is to host a concert at the Sphere in Las Vegas. And hang out with Taylor Swift.
SG says, I want to see AK’s dream come true. 
It’s a long, long journey and we are one step in today. Together, we could go farther. Join us for the ride?

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